Make more from your waste with insect bioconversion
Our feedstock trial evaluates the suitability of using your waste streams as a feedstock for rearing insects as low-carbon, high-value products.
Feedstock trial
Our feedstock trial is a crucial initial step for any organisation or business considering insect farming as a new commercial venture or for exploring the utilisation of insects within existing supply chains.
How does our Feedstock Trial work?
Case Study
Using insects to valorise waste and reduce costs
Entocycle helped an innovative UK company determine the suitability of using its waste as a substrate to rear black soldier fly larvae (BSFL). The trial we conducted demonstrated the high potential of using BSFL to process the client’s waste, and by determining the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), we helped the client further their understanding of the commercial viability of integrating insect farming into their business model.
“The Entocycle team are highly professional and always happy to provide valuable advice on technical and operational requirements”
– Dr Gesa Reiss, SMART Agri-Systems Senior Innovation Fellow, University of Leeds